Upscale your ecommerce catalog with AI

From a reference to ↓

  • 🪄 Listing generation

  • 🏷️ Automatic categorization

  • 💵 Price suggestions

  • 💄 Attributes normalization

  • 📸 Image upscaling

  • 🌍 Translation

  • 🔍 SEO positioning

  • ⚡️ Export to your favorite ecommerce platform

original upscaled



Take a look at Semantico

Main image

Add references into the dashboard in seconds

Add products the way you have them, from any set of unstructured information or even just a reference string (EAN, SKU, etc.)

Let semantico do the magic

Semantico generates the listings automatically. From descriptions to images and prices.

From categories to prices

Categorizes your entire catalog Suggests a list of potential prices Use it immediately.

Refine your listings information

Normalize attribute names and values, translate your listings into your language and even add images. Everything you need to keep consistency in your catalog.

Export everywhere

Export your catalog to your favorite ecommerce platform, including Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and more.

Shopify WooCommerce Magento

Try Semantico


Input your product information.

We just need a public reference (EAN, SKU, ISBN...) and a name or brand for your product.



Grab Your Listing.

Wait a few seconds and see your complete listing.


Made with <3 in Barcelona

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